
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Monday, September 12, 2016

Bien Venidos!! Welcome back!!

Welcome everyone to a great year!!!!  I hope all of you had a Super Summer.  I was able to go to Spain and spent great quality time with my family and friends.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


The kindergartens were experiencing first hand the culture and interesting facts of Spain by touching and seeing authentic materials from Spain.  They were very curious and had great questions about some some the artifacts from the home land of Spain.

Monday, February 29, 2016

3 Grade

Time, time , time "La Hora"  Que hora es?
:  The third graders are learning how to tell time in Spanish, it is not easy, but they are trying really hard.  I'm proud of all you third Graders:)

Thursday, February 25, 2016


The little ones are reviewing the colors and learning the shapes.  They are enjoying playing Colors & Shapes bingo in Spanish!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Third Grade

With this crazy weather, it is a good time for the third graders to learn about seasons and weather. 

Great job to the fourth graders playing the "OCA Spanish game" to practice the AR endings!!!  Muy bien!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Lo último en las clases de Español

Hola!! Es invierno y hace mucho frio !!  (It is Winter, and it is very cold ).  The year is moving very quickly, I can’t believe it is already 2016.  All Spanish classes are doing a great job learning and practicing new vocabulary.  Kindergarten and first graders have been working very hard on learning new verbs and nouns in order to create short phrases in Spanish.  All other levels are continuing to get better with the verb conjugations and the basic grammar rules.  They are adding new verbs to their vocabulary in order to increase their conversation skills.  Kindergarten-Third grade are learning and practicing the days of the week.    Forth grade is working really hard with the AR verb endings.  They are creating sentences using these verbs.
After the wonderful winter break all classes went through a week of review.  They all practiced old vocabulary with some games, oral activities, and word searches.

Please keep asking questions to your kids about what they are doing in Spanish class.  The more they practice the better they will get.